Saturday, September 23, 2006

BASICdraw 1.0

What is a Prodedural Image Editor ?
A prodedural image editor lets you draw with coded instructions rather than with mouse commands. BASICdraw does include a couple of simple drawing tools, but the power of the editor lies in its ability to allow you to run arbitrary MiniBASIC scripts over images.

What is it good for ?
BASICdraw is good for all those jobs that are hard to achieve any other way, except with expensive software. For instance you want to rotate a logo and paste it into your front cover. Or you want to put a grid over the image. Or you need to add a border ten pixels wide. All very simple things to achieve in code, but hard to do with conventional editing software. Every graphics studio should have a copy.

Do you need to be a programmer ?
BASIC is the easiest programming language to learn. Millions of people who do not consider themselves to be professional programmers know how to use it. If you don't know BASIC already, it is very simple to pick up.