Sunday, September 03, 2006

Forgotten Windows Login

+* Only Use this tutorial if you have forgotten your windows XP login password *+

Note: this is to be used on your OWN computer on your OWN account only please

1. Restart the computer. The moment it turns back on (as in has power to it and is starting up) hold down the 'F8' key untill a black and white DOS menu appears.

2. With your keyboard arrow key scroll down to 'Start in Safe-mode' and press enter.

3. Windows will start, with far less programs running, this is usually used to remove viruses as most viruses will not start in Safe Mode.
NOTE: Your screen will suddenly have very low resolution. DO NOT WORRY this is just Safe Mode.

4. On the logon screen, you will see the normal username that you cannot access (and others if there are any) and a new user account named 'Administrator' this account does NOT have a password on it. Click it, and you will logon to this account.

5. Now go to Start>Control Panel>User Accounts. Click the account you want to change and click remove password. Simple. Done

6. Restart your computer (without safe-mode) and simply click the account you are trying to access and your in !